Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Windows XP - Monday first day of the week in systray Calendar (Clock)


1. HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\International.

2. Change iFirstDayOfWeek entry in the right pane from 6 (Sunday) to 0 (Monday)


Wednesday, October 6, 2010

How to adjust audio/video sync in an AVI file using VirtualDub

How to adjust audio/video sync in an AVI file using VirtualDub

Sometimes Audio/Video sync problems happen due to errors in capturing the video file.
Here is how to fix it.
  1. Open your video file in VirtualDub by dragging and dropping the file on the program.
  2. Click on Audio -> Interleaving or press (Ctrl + I) on your keyboard.
  3. Now in Audio skew correction text box type a value in millisecond (1000 ms = 1 second) following the instructions: Use positive values if audio is playing too early or negative values if the opposite is true

    vdubremovecom03 (42K)

  4. Click Ok and don't forget to Click Video -> Direct stream copy and Audio -> Direct stream copy because we do not want re-encoding here.

  5. Click File -> Save as AVI or press F7 on your keyboard and save the file.